Help My Hunt for Family History Recipes

I am on a hunt for family history recipes

Hunt for family history recipesI would love to include one of your family history recipes in my contribution to the A to Z blogging challenge for next April, 2017. Do you have an old recipe written in a note book or one on a scrap of paper? Is it written in your great grandmother’s hand writing or an aunts? Might even be your Dads. Or is carefully typed up on a portable typewriter in the 1950’s or a family friend shared it verbally?

Not sure what the A to Z blogging challenge is? Here are my posts in the 2016 A to Z blogging challenge.

I am hoping to collect an image of the original recipe, if available. I plan to type this up if it is hard to read. Also a sentence or two or more perhaps for some recipes. These words may share some of the related family stories. Options to possibly include are about the recipe, ingredients, the person and the place or events the recipe was used. Perhaps you hated it or you can never get it to taste the same as Nana’s. The ingredients might be hard to get today. Or any other sentence or two that you wish to share. Nothing too onerous so that you avoid sharing your recipe. The words to not have to be perfect as I might edit it anyway.

Family History Researchers Cousin Bait

Who made the desert?

Who made the desert?

For family history bloggers I am most happy to add a link to your blog. Suggested information to include might be the persons full name, DOB or DOD and place so that if a lost cousin researching that name comes across my blog post you can be reunited via your own blog or social media. I also share on social media so you never know if that brick wall will be broken down by a sponge cake recipe.

Do not worry about what A to Z letter your recipe fits with as I will work this all out. For example it might be the recipe name, an ingredient, the persons name, a town, a cooking method or more.

Submit Today using the Family History Recipes Form

To make life easier for you the following form gives prompts. No one else except me will see the submitted form. If you elect to leave a comment only I can see your email address in the comments.

    If you have problems loading up your image leave a message below and I organise another method such as email or Dropbox.

    If you would like a link to your website and or any social media sites fill in your selected options.

    Any family history information you would really like added to the post such as a name, DOB, place or other information that may help lost cousins make contact with you. This contact could be made through the links you provide. I will not be sharing your email details.

    An extra space just in case you thought of something else to add like special instructions.

    I cannot guarantee all submissions will be included in the April 2017 A to Z blogging challenge. They may be used in another blog post.

    Thank you for sharing your family history recipe.

    Enter the code to prove you are a human before sending, thanks.


    Need to know more?

    Today, April 2017 may seem like so far away however I wish to start preparing now. Like any good recipe it is the preparation that makes all the difference.

    Did they grow their own or buy a the local market?

    Did they grow their own or buy a the local market?Copyright

    As well as sharing on my blog and social media, if all goes well, I plan to make a free eBook too. As all of these options are forms of publishing I am unable to include any recipes recently copied from published material that are under copyright. Plus this would not be sharing our “family history” recipes.

    I first called for recipes in October on Instagram for the Day 16 prompt – food. The Instagram challenge is by genealogygirltalks with the tags #GenealogyPhoto #GenealogyPhotoaday. Feel free to follow  genealogygirltalks and travelgenee on Instagram.

    Do leave a comment below if you have a question. Plus share my hunt for family history recipes with your family history friends and on social media. Thanks.

    4 thoughts on “Help My Hunt for Family History Recipes”

    1. You two are soooo organised. I am very very impressed. Great idea Fran. Let me give it some thought. I suspect the boiled fruit cake recipe might get an outing or the Hot Apricots in Sour Cream which is always a sure fire success…but then I do like Pork chops in Artichoke hearts too…

      1. Alex, I look forward to your choice. I had thought of making some but then I might be taking on too much. And I would have to eat them. This could lead to a future A to Z. 26 ways for a family historian to be more healthy.

    2. That’s an ambitious and interesting project, best of luck Fran.

      I am opting for something simpler in 2017 for which I have actually started collecting photos.

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