More June 2015 Facebook Finds from Caloundra Family History on Facebook
- More local family history resources at the Sunshine Coast Libraries.
- Beginner tip: Civil registrations for England and Wales started 1 July 1837. Start with indexes for births, deaths and marriages to help source certificates. Prior to this Parish Registers where meant to start 1538 but some started later.
- Did you know that has over 700 FREE indexed record collections? (Source: Randy Seavers – included help on how to search the free records). Link to search free collections at Ancestry.
- Interactive Map showing where bombs dropped in the WW2 London Blitz shared by Helen Smith.
- German Genealogy – Tool for Locating Ancestors
- PINTEREST FUNNIES: Before Google (was there ever a time?)
- Ten 19th Century Occupations That You’re Not Likely to Encounter Today
“We are at the rooms playing the Trout Game. I miss my computer!! Learning to do research with out it. Help!!!!”And yes I did need help. I really learnt lots and had a great team. We worked well together.Just goes to show that you can research without the Internet.Biggest lesson was to make sure you interview ancestors before it is too late.
- Pinterest Tips: Add new boards to your Pinterest Account to save different topics. Find the add board area by returning to your own boards. Click your name on the top right hand side.
- Pinterest Tip: If you see a Pin you would like to refer to again add it to one of your own boards by using the Pin it button, select the board and it will be pinned to that board.
Friday Flashback: How times change!!
A reader’s request in the May 2000 Vol 16 no 7 copy of the UK Family Tree Magazine asks, “A letter in my family, dated 1895, was sent from Reynoldsville PA, USA. Does anyone know the whereabouts of the above? Details, pictures much appreciated.”
I “Googled” and had the answer in seconds.- Who UK Version of Do You Think You Are series 12 celebrities announced. They include modelling legend Jerry Hall, Last Tango In Halifax stars Sir Derek Jacobi and Anne Reid, actress Jane Seymour and others. More info at…..(Link no longer available.)
- Follow other Pinners with similar interests to see more Pins in your feeds. Here is a link to my Pinterest Boards. Feel free to follow me. Feel free to leave your Pinterest web address in the comments so we can follow each other.
- Search Pinterest for Genealogy images that often lead to links with more information.
- No longer searchable: “Trove Forum users please note that due to urgent cybersecurity concerns the Trove Forum was taken offline on 25 September 2019. This action is required to ensure the rest of Trove is secure and can continue to be accessible.”
The Queensland Women’s Historical Association collection is now searchable in Trove. It has a fascinating collection of objects from 19th and 20th century Queensland with a focus on women’s lives and roles in society. - More Pinterest for genealogy: You can follow the National Family History Month on Pinterest.
(No longer available)
- More local family history resources at the Sunshine Coast Libraries.
- The Family Tree get a German Genealogy Guide. Link:
- Tip from Thursdays General Meeting from Sue. You can use Pinterest for Genealogy. You will need to join if you have not got a Pinterest account already. Over the next few days I will feature Pins I have discovered on Pinterest that might help your research. If you get stuck joining leave a message and I will try to help.
- Must have a marriage license. Found at
- LORRIE BARZDO WRITERS’ COMPETITION –This award is held annually and is a wonderful opportunity to put fingers to keyboard to write a story about an ancestor, family event, etc. There is a prize for the best story. Stories to be maximum 1250 words. Members only can enter. See the June newsletter and Clipper for more details.
Don’t forget the deadline is 16 July 2015. We hope this year to break the record for the most entries in this competition!
This competition is in memory of our past member, Lorrie, who gifted prize money for family history stories written by our members. - (No longer availble)Genealogy Insider – Beginner Genealogy Tips: Where to Look for Great Ancestor Stories
- What’s on offer this coming week in south-east Queensland family and local history wise? What’s On? – Saturday 20 – Friday 26 June from Family Tree Frog Blog.
Friday Flashback: Old material from our Library that might help your research today.
Reading through Origins Vol 23, @ Jan 2008 I found a list of “More McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetery Unmarked Graves”. This was a piece continued on from Journal 22, no 3, May 2007. The Cairns & District Family History Society are still improving their cemetery data with digitisation and QR Code projects. @CairnsFHS. Could you have ancestors buried in Cairns?- BUS TRIP TO Queensland State Archived – Wed. 8 Jul. Another excellent opportunity to further your Queensland research will occur when we head down to Qld State Archives at Runcorn for a day exploring their records. Cost is $30 and there is a sign-up sheet on the front desk. For more information on what you can find at QSA, check out the website:
- Shared link with details on the Introduction to Family History done online with the University of Tasmania. (I did this course last year and you can read about my research and learnings.)
- A helpful learning blog series on Australasian family history research institutions. This one is “Introducing State Records New South Wales”. NO LONGER AVAILABLE
- Not sure where to go or how to do it. Watch this video on how to get started using DNA from The Genealogy Gems Podcast. Now that Ancestry is making DNA testing available in Australia we need to find out more before getting tested.
- It might cost you but save you time. A post about using RootsBid, to find genealogy experts and others who can complete family history tasks on your behalf all over the world. Save you going there at great cost when research is not available online. Via Dick Eastman.
- Free Research Guides from Ancestry via Gould Genealogy.
- REMINDER – This week the Next General Meeting
Thu. 18 Jun at 1:30 pm
Guest Speaker – Paul Seto
Topic: “The 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.”
That’s the last couple of weeks in Jun 2015 for family history on Facebook with the Caloundra Family History Page.