Ready for RootsTech Connect: Relatives at RootsTech 1

I’m breaking up Relatives at RootsTech into a number of quick bite-sized posts.

Relatives at RootsTech gives you links to others that have registered for RootsTech Connect that you connect to in the FamilySearch Tree.

Opt-in to Relatives at RootsTech

You need to opt in to be part of this and is separate from your registration for RootsTechConnect. Go to and use your FamilySearch account to sign in or if you do not have a FamilySearch Account, then create one.*

Relatives at RootsTech sign in or create an account

As FamilySearch states, “Don’t worry, you can always change your mind. You can update your settings or opt out of Relatives at RootsTech.” This does not mean you are opting out of viewing the conference.

There is more information on the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page at the FamilySearch site.

After you opt-in, using your FamilySearch log on this is the type of screen you will see. After clicking the “See your relatives” button, further details such as the location of relatives, chat facilities and how your tree connects.

Relatives at RootsTech

Zero relatives?

*If you are not actually in the FamilySearch tree or part of a small branch you may end up with zero results. This is to be expected.  To work you need to connect back to common ancestors that belong to others who have opted into relatives at RootsTech.

The next blog post will be about the easiest way I have found to get myself connected back into the FamilySearch tree.

See more of the Ready for RootsTech posts.

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Opted in to Relatives at RootsTech part 1

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