Something for a Genealogist to to: Join a Society
Yes it is now 2015 and I am still completing tasks from the list 31 Genealogy Activities for Researchers During National Family History Month (August) 2014 by Shauna Hicks. Shauna said that it was not necessary to do all tasks or in any order either so I am still plugging away at them as they slowly help broaden my research knowledge.
Number 10: “Visit your local genealogy/family history society and see what resources they hold. If you are not a member, think about joining or perhaps join a society near where your ancestors lived.”
I visited the Caloundra Family History Research Inc group last year and joined up. Right up front I have to say they have been most welcoming and making sure I can find my way around the library, giving me a buddy Phylis, explaining how things worked and loads more.
The library is usually open 2 days a week. It is manned by helpers to ensure the smooth running of the library. Along with the books there are about 5 computers with databases and the access to library versions of sites like Ancestry and FindMyPast. These sites can be accessed for a very small fee to help but probably does not even cover the cost of the equipment and other costs.
I have attended meetings with guest speakers which seem to occur fairly regularly. These are at a small charge or often no charge at all. Today’s speaker was Dr Jonathan Prangnell, Senior Lecturer (Archaeology), University of Queensland who spoke on Archaeological Ceramics Excavated in S.E. Queensland.
On the third Thursday in the month they have a General meeting after the speaker is finished so I attended my first general meeting today. The committee quickly covered the club business and then a number of members spoke about their recent trip to Canberra including visits to the National Library, Archives and National War Memorial. My expectations for my trip to Canberra, where I will be attending the AFFHO Congress 2015, have grown.
In summary, I am so glad one of the suggested tasks on Shauna’s list was to visit and perhaps join a local community group. Meeting up with other genealogists and people interested in family history will reap benefits for my research.
You are welcome to check out my other posts on the Family History Month Challenges.
Leave a comment: Now I have joined a local group is it worthwhile joining a state, national or even an overseas group? Or how has belonging to a family history group helped your research?
So you’re now a Society Lady! Good move.