Challenge 14: Family History Month on Twitter

Family History Month on Twitter is challenge number 14. Here we are asked to “Check out Twitter to see the latest genealogy news – use the hash tags #genealogy or #familyhistory and remember to also use #NFHM2014″.

As suggested I have been scanning twitter for genealogical treats and this is made easier by using the #NFHM2014. I have found primarily Australia tweets for events, blogs to read, free offers, suggestions and even kind people tweeting links to my challenge report blogs.  This shows the use of hashtags is a way to filter through the massive amounts of Twaffic. (The traffic on Twitter: source.)

Use of the more generic #genealogy and #familyhistory extends the search to cover the world and again many of the tweets offer up interesting concepts, new genealogy databases, story telling about ancesters, images, even jokes and more.

This made me consider what type of twitter users or tweeters there are and how to recognise them. Family History Month on Twitter:What type of tweeter are you_

What type of Twitter user are you? Do you stay up at night? Does no one talk at the table anymore? Are you a shouter? Make conversation? Create social change? Or pick it up and put Twitter down, like a magazine?

1. The 24 Hourer

Tired Twitter UserSome Twitter users try to check every single post created by the people and companies they follow. They may even attempt to visit every link and check every photo too. Either they are following only a very few people, have no other interests or this behaviour will drive them mad, very soon.

This can occur on joining Twitter.  Fortunately most users get over this illness quickly.

2. Social Chatter Box

These are the ones that are totally immersed in the conversation with banter back and forth about “just eating a #greatmeal with @…… & @……  @xyxcafe..” and receive return tweets like “@….. I was just at @xyzcafe the other day #awesomechef”. This type of tweet is not interesting to many of us however those involved seem to love the virtual connection. They are the 4 people sitting around a table in the restaurant with their mobile phones in hand and not talking to each other except by social media. They hashtag (#) and tag (@) other twitter users so that their tweets come up in notifications and searches. This maximise the chance of catching their followers that may have missed the tweet in their voluminous stream.  Also likely to have an Instagram account filled with food images.

3. One to Many Broadcaster

One To Many TweeterLoudhailer in hand, these Tweeters use Twitter to broadcast about a product, service, an event, news, blog post and more. They pay to get numerous followers to maximise the numbers that see their posts.  I wrote “maximise the numbers” as they do not see you as an individual. They are typically not interested in following back or what you have to say.

They love real-time Twitter analytics to measure and improve the effectiveness of all, YES ALL, their tweets. Their tweets will have a call to action to get readers to follow the links.

Care must be taken not to misdiagnose by only checking out one tweet. Some tweeters have thousands of followers and do promotional tweets along side helpful tips, free webinars and other types of helpful social media connection. Continuing to follow for the tips is worthwhile.

4. The Center for Social Concern

If you are a sharer of links about social issues this is the category for you. There is a problem that not all of the ideas they push are supported by sound thinking or empirical research. You cannot believe everything you read.  Many are not frightened to put forward a controversial view. This group covers all walks of life such as extremes in the levels of education, political views and different cultural backgrounds.

Don’t knock these tweeters. I find the most interesting articles to read from the links of a select few of this type of Tweeter.

5. Waiting Room Magazine

TravelGenee Tweet ImageThis might be the type of tweeter I am. I pick up Twitter like I pick up a magazine in the doctors’ waiting room. I scan the tweets. I read further into the topics that interest me. Sometimes I do not finish the piece when another task calls.

I use the hashtags and search to find tweets that will lead to more interesting reading. Yes I use the index in a magazine. Sometimes I even read tweets from people I do not follow.

I may leave it for a week when really busy at work. Although I do try to scan the notifications in case someone has left me a message.

6. Tribe Builder

This is more like the user I would like to become. Someone that has something to offer and not just shout and take. Someone that is involved in the community. Someone that recognises other peoples work when sharing. Someone that can say thank you after discovering a helpful link.  Someone that tries to check out your blog, join in with community events and follows a common interest. Someone that appreciates the work you put into your blog posts and research. I have to remember to take part in the conversation, share great articles and even say hello.

The Tribe Builder description needs more clarity. I need to think about this. These values can also be used offline and in other social media.  I have been thinking about this concept recently so I created the Google+ link party for genealogy and travel bloggers, do join. Suffice to say I need to work at being a tribe builder and being more active, in a “TravelGeneeTribe” way. Yes lets create a hashtag. So join in on the national family history month challenge 14 – check out twitter – is a great challenge.

Following me already? If not check me out at twitter @travelgenee. Or .

Love you to leave comment about how you use twitter. What type of tweeter are you?

Or read my other Family History Month Challenges.

3 thoughts on “Challenge 14: Family History Month on Twitter”

  1. Great post Fran.I’m enjoying your #NFHM posts. I think I used to be a Tribe builder in my former professional life but now as a retiree I’m more of a “waiting room magazine” person, still following lots and contributing to discussions on an irregular basis.

    1. Carmel, Most happy to read you are enjoying the posts. I am trying to find time between work and sleep to do them. Contributing, in anyway is better than totally withdrawing and it’s nice to enjoy reading others peoples work so I know where you are coming from. Fran

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