DNA: Fun with GEDmatch Estimated Eye Colour

This is the estimated colour of my eyes in GEDmatch back in February 2018 although they do not seem to offer this feature anymore.

GEDmatch Estimated Eye ColourGEDmatch Estimated Eye Colour Wrong

In this case, the Gedmatch image was not accurate. My eyes are more in the pale brown range with a grey ring around the outer edge. It pays to read through the list of rules they have used to estimate the colour. The first rule, in my case, “CT at: rs17762363 – Increased melanin production. Adds yellow, amber, or brown. Some darkening. Contributes to brown.”, could explain the presence of so much brown.
You can load up your DNA to GEDmatch for free and find more cousin matches but currently not your eye colour.

This post first appeared on Instagram. You can view this #GenealogyPhotoADay along with others @TravelGenee on Instagram.

If you want to find out more about the DNA of eye colour check out Kitty Cooper’s blog.

Websites are constantly changing their DNA offerings. One way to stay current is to attend DNA-specific events like DNA Downunder being held in August 2019.

In Brisbane and other cities, you can learn more using third-party tools like GEDmatch and DNA Painter to analyze your DNA by Blaine Bettinger. For a more intermediate/advanced presentation, he is examining more advanced third-party tools at the Sydney 3-day event. These will include Phasing, Matching Segment Search, Lazarus, and Triangulation tools offered by GEDmatch, DNAGedcom, and others. These tools are mostly excluded from typical third-party tool lectures.

This will help you wring every dollar out of your test results!

Disclaimer: As a DNA Down Under Ambassador I receive free registration for the Sydney event in return for promoting the seminars in various social media forums, events and on my blog. Because I see so much value in advancing my DNA knowledge I have paid for the Brisbane event.

The views and opinions expressed in the blog are my own.

Down Under Ambassador