Trove Tuesday: Quince Recipes

I’m  was on my way to the USA on Virgin Australia and it is still  Tuesday here so I am posting a late Trove Tuesday. First time with them from Brisbane to LA to take advantage of my air points. One if the items on the cheese platter was quince paste. I’m fairly sure I did not even know of quince paste when I was a child growing up in New Zealand. Or I might have read about it in a book. Imagining here an English children’s book like the Famous Five where they took lunch with them in their adventures. By the way the first Famous Five book was the first real “chapter” book I read all by myself.

Virgin Australia QuinceStill imaging – Quinces, one of those fruits that grow abundantly on large trees in big back yards where children play outside. So different from the smaller and smaller pieces of land houses are built on today in Australia. No room for large trees with rope swings.

With so much fruit, ways to use it had to be found by the housewife. So here comes Trove to the rescue. I am sure I will be able to find some recipes. Now I’m wondering was it called paste or simply jam?

Tuesday Trove Quince Recipes

Not just jam! I discovered you can make quince pickle, chutney, jelly, pies with short crust or flaky pastry. Even quince cheese which won the weekly recipe competition. Not a true cheese though.

Trove: Quince Recipe

And the winning quince recipe:

Trove: Winning Quince Recipe

And  couple of more recipes for jam and even tinned quinces if you have a kerosene tin spare:

More quince Recipes

Do you have a quince tree in your garden or remember eating quince jam?

Source:     1939 ‘[No heading].’, The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 – 1939), 11 April, p. 3, viewed 27 January, 2016,

2 thoughts on “Trove Tuesday: Quince Recipes”

  1. I started reading the Famous Five books at an early age, Fran, after having run out of Secret Seven & similar books at our very small local library. I must have been too young as I found them scary at first and had to wait a while before trying again! I can’t remember how long this self-imposed break was or what I re-read in the meantime, but remember loving the adventures when I resumed reading the series.

    Thanks for all the quince recipes. I shall keep them in mind in case the cockatoos ever leave any fruit on my two trees!

    1. Maureen, Interesting. It was a teacher that introduced me to Famous Five first so I read the Seven series after them. Mum took us to the library on a regular basis too. Thanks for visiting. Fran

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