B is for Background – Rock of Gibraltar

Rock of Gibraltar from the Spanish Side.

The Rock of Gibraltar
As per recent posts on Instagram I’m continuing with images from my trip to Spain in 2011. The Rock of Gibraltar is in the background.

This additional pic below is taken from the top of the Rock of Gibraltar looking across the town of Gibraltar, the harbour and over the sea to back to Spain. Part of the airport runway can be seen in the middle if the right hand side.

View from the Rock of Gibraltar

Travel is one of my favourite activities. It’s a easy way to learn more about history and surround yourself with others cultures.

Becareful what you vote for!!!

On the current events side Gibraltar has been in the news recently. It has come to light that with the pending British exit from the EU the  Spanish can renegotiate terms with the UK regarding sovereignty of the Rock. This is even though these agreements precede the European Union agreements. Exiting the EU is becoming more complicated for the U.K.

For me the lessons are two.  First is the importance of history to our current lives. Secondly, be careful what you are voting for as that “facts” sold via the media are curated and not comprehensive. It will interesting to see if the U.K. ends up sharing sovereignty of the Rock with Spain.

View this #GenealogyPhotoADay along with others on Instagram.

B - KeywordThe 2017 A to Z Blogging Challenge is based on my genealogy posts for #GenealogyPhotoADay (some days, not everyday) on Instagram. I will be using past daily prompts starting with the appropriate letter. To start, A for Ancestor Jane Gibson was an easy one. Here’s the collection of 2017 A to Z posts that have been posted so far.

I welcome comments. If you use the commentluv feature to link your blog others can easily check out your blog too. Thanks.

14 thoughts on “B is for Background – Rock of Gibraltar”

  1. Hi. Thanks for sharing and bringing back memories of my enjoyable visit to Gibraltar. I hadn’t thought of the Brexit impact here.

  2. I visited Gibraltar for the music fest and did some sight seeing as well. It’s an interesting mend of cultures and so so tiny!
    PS: just followed you on IG ?

  3. I lived in Barcelona for most of 1998, but I never made it to Gibraltar. Great pictures although that runway looks a little scary. I’m taking part in the A to Z Challenge too.

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